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How Your “Brand Vibe” Can Change Your Brand’s Fortunes

We humans are very proud of our ability to think rationally. This cognitive power not only lets us understand and use facts, it also helps us build elaborate creations and fantasies.

We use our rational brains to conduct business. Cognition helps us sort stuff out, compare options, and rank priorities. Our rational, conscious brain is so “upfront” in our day-to-day work lives that we begin to believe it is our only way of thinking and acting at work.

Yet, as neuroscience is finding, it is now clear that this cognitive ability is not a stand-alone factor in how we perceive, sense, or act upon input. Indeed, we now see that emotions influence, if not drive, our thinking at every turn.

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7 Reasons Why it’s Probably Time to Transform Your Business

What’s the matter?

We met with some prospective customers over dinner the other day, and started the discussion with our favorite leading question, “So, what’s the matter?”.

The floodgates opened.

As we listened to the issues tumble out – and sensed the pain, anxiety and frustration they provoke in the company’s leadership – we thought about how so many businesses today face the same basic challenges.

For example, how many of these challenges which our prospects are now facing, are inhibiting growth, innovation and motivation at your business?

  1. Your business is doing “OK” financially (just like everyone else in your industry).
  2. Your top people are jumping ship (which is really rocking the boat).
  3. You are constantly trying to attract better, more talented people (but that doesn’t always work out).
  4. You are unable to increase your margins (people just won’t pay any more for what you – like everyone else – is offering).
  5. You want to grow by expanding into new markets (but you’ll face the same issues wherever you go).
  6. You find your reputation doesn’t sync with your current offering (so customers and prospects don’t think of you for jobs you can readily do).
  7. You are not sure what makes your business special, or why people should care about what you do (right now you only talk in generic industry business speak).

Whatever is causing you pain as a business leader, the best remedy is to start by addressing the last point in our list.

Business transformation based on meaning is a brand strategy for success.

The first task is to define a compelling Purpose Beyond Profit that defines why your business is special (and how it can become increasingly valued as unique and differentiated) and gives people very good reasons to not only care about your company, buy to also do what it takes to help you succeed.

Armed with a clear Purpose Beyond Profit – which unites people around an idea that matters – your company’s people, policies, procedures and products transform, evolve and repurpose themselves to become more meaningful in a highly focused and differentiating way.

Once your Purpose Beyond Profit is in place (and made relevant to everyone within the organization), customers start to see greater value in what you do, and the uniqueness and appeal of they way you do what you do. Prospects at home, and in new markets, suddenly wake up to your powerful new marketplace presence as it lifts you above the hum-drum competitive set. Employees spend their days feeling that their work truly matters, and their energy attracts the new, talented people your business needs to grow. Laden with new meaning – and delivered by people who love what they do – your offering becomes inherently more valuable, allowing you to improve your margins.

Emotive Brand is a San Francisco branding agency.

Is Your B2B Brand Feeling Crowded In By Competition?

Many B2B brands find themselves victims of intense competition, growing commoditization and confusion about how to make the best use of branding.

If your brand is just a set of superficial marks, colors and trademarked words, the pressure is sure to crush it to smithereens.

Continue reading “Is Your B2B Brand Feeling Crowded In By Competition?”

Rebrand? A Perfect Time to Adopt a “Purpose Beyond Profit”

A rebrand is a great opportunity to scratch below the surface to discover how your business can truly matter to people. Seize this chance to do more than simply apply a new layer of paint over your business.

There are numerous reasons why companies choose to rebrand.

It might be due to a merger, acquisition, or divestiture.

It may be because of tired sales, a less-than-desirable image, or heated up competition.

It might be a change in guard at the CEO level.

Whatever the reason your business needs an update, the rebrand process offers a unique opportunity to go beyond a new name, logo, and color scheme.

That is because, as the changes that have prompted your decision to rebrand occurred, another set of changes have been taking hold.

The people vital to your brand’s success, from customers to employees to partners to investors, have all been personally experiencing the dawn of The Age of Meaning.

As a result, these people are far more discerning about what they buy, whom the buy from, and the companies for which they work.

In their efforts to create new meaning in their lives, they are seeking out businesses, products, services, and brands that have a purpose beyond profit.

That is, a higher ambition than simply raking in cash.

Businesses wanting to thrive in the age of meaning articulate a compelling goal centered on enriching lives, improving society, and/or being environmentally sound.

They make their organizations revolve around this idea so that everyone who deals with the business feels its emotionally meaningful power.

As a result, they earn the respect and admiration of people, which turns into positive new behaviors.

People who identify with a business’s purpose beyond profit think, care, feel, and do more for that business.

Don’t simply slap on a new coat of paint.

Build a new foundation that will make your brand strategy stronger today, and better fit for the future.

Curious? Read our papers on The Age of Meaning, The Meaning Gap and The Meaningful Workplace.

They will help you see what you need to do to make your business one that truly matters.

Emotive Brand is a San Francisco branding agency.

Emotive Branding: The Path to Meaning (and Kick-Ass Creative)

At Emotive Brand our goal is to make brands truly meaningful through emotive branding. Emotive branding is about transforming the way a brand reaches out to people and the way people respond back to that brand. The key is meaning. As we add meaning to the things a brand does, the people vital to that brand’s success start to care, think, talk and do more for the brand. As a result, emotive brands thrive across all business measures.

But what is meaning?

And, perhaps more important, how do we add meaning to brands through emotive branding? We focus on meaning because we noticed the remarkable performance of a handful of notable brands including Virgin, Apple, Zappo’s, Ikea and Lego. At one level these brands simply sell airplane seats, consumer electronics, shoes, furniture and toys. But at the same time, they incite amazing behavior in the marketplace.

People line up to buy their products. Great people want to work for these brands. Partners, suppliers and distributors compete to work with these brands. Many of their customers become story-telling advocates that turn their family and friends into customers of these brands. The traditional press and the social media are friendlier toward these brands. Investors drive up the brand’s value.

Perhaps most interesting, people are hard pressed to readily name the competitors of these brands.

What made these brands work so wonderfully?

We were curious about what made those brands work so well, so we took them apart and saw what they did differently – beyond offering decent products or services. We saw that they “reached out” to people in an interesting way and created meaning at every step. They made themselves personally relevant and worked hard at becoming emotionally important.

How are they personally relevant? They know – and live – their “why,” their reason for being, what they’re on this earth to do, the contribution they aim to make. These brands make their reason for being evident to people through their way of doing business. People sync with the brand’s “why” because it is aligned with their personal interests, beliefs, values and aspirations. As a result they identify strongly with the brand on a deep and meaningful level.

How do brands become emotionally important? By zeroing in on specific feelings and evoking them consistently. Consumers may not be able to play back these precise emotions (as in “Virgin makes me feel sexy”) but consumers never forget that Virgin made them feel “sexy.”

Why + Emotion = Meaning

In conclusion, we came to see that the meaning that differentiated these remarkable brands was generated by two factors: personal relevance and emotional importance.

To help brands become more meaningful we took the best practices of those remarkable brands and developed a way to introduce them to all sorts of brands, from B2C to B2B. Our method starts by defining a brand’s “Emotive Core,” which then is seen as the heartbeat of the brand. Within the Emotive Core we articulate the brand’s “why” and tap into personal relevance through what we call the brand’s “Driving Idea.” We also work with clients to hone down 301 potential positive emotions to just four that the brand will seek to own in a meaningful way. This is the way we help the brand achieve emotional importance through what is know as the brand’s “Emotional Space.”

What does all this “strategy” mean to the “creative” process?

The brand’s Emotional Impact becomes a lens through which everything you do becomes more meaningful. It is meant to inspire creative people to create more meaningful connections in every “brand moment” – that is, each time the brand interacts with people vital to the brand’s success.

These brand moments can be anything from the feelings evoked when a client enters the lobby of the brand’s headquarters, to the feelings generated through an advertising campaign – and everything in between.

To ‘juice up’ creative brand moments, we create specific creative briefs which integrate the Emotiional Impact into the brand moment’s marketing objective (e.g. sell more widgets). We show our creatives how the brand’s meaning can be conveyed through the four key elements of every interaction: Aesthetics – the look & feel; Discourse – the messaging & voice; Functionality – what is demanded; and Associations – connections made outside the brand.

Without this sort of precise direction, creative exercises often spin off in any number of directions, based on trends, personal preferences and what someone’s spouse thinks is a “good idea.” Through emotive branding, all brand moments start to align to the brand’s Emotional Impact. There is a lens through which every idea can be viewed to see whether or not it takes the brand closer to the meaningful connection it seeks.

The task of conveying personal relevance and generating emotional importance based on a brand’s Emotional Impact is an incredibly interesting and challenging creative task. It provides a richer playground for creative thinking. It is also gratifying in that creative efforts based on emotive branding change not only what people do (buy more stuff) but how they feel about themselves and the brand – and how they behave as a result of that.

By transforming how brands “reach out” to people (through kick-ass creative), emotive branding transforms the way people respond back. Who could ask for more?

Emotive Brand is a San Francisco branding agency.