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Professional Services: Elevate Your Firm By Embracing Purpose

Professional Services Brands

When it comes down to it, strategies to ensure credibility, expertise or commitment don’t make a professional service firm to stand out. We expect law firms, management consultancies, and professional services brands to be credible, to have expertise, and to be committed; they shouldn’t need to be reminded of these attributes, and this type of positioning holds no sway in an already overcrowded, homogenous group of competitors.

Many professional services firms “brand” themselves around ideas of client-centricity and attentiveness. For us, this simply isn’t branding. These ideas mean something, but they don’t mean enough.  They are just repetitions of already established expectations.

At a basic level, these are firms whose business is to manage risk; they exist because they offer specialized help and expertise that most clients can’t easily replicate in-house. And that means that professional services firms must convey a higher level of trust. (Their “product” is intangible, so clients demand an exceptional level of trust that the advice and service they are seeking will be good.)

To ensure trust, many professional services firms fall back on safe, established, and outdated marketing tactics.  Many are reluctant to rethink or change their already established brand strategy. The result is that they simply confirm their status as traditional players in a traditional sector; they conform to traditional brand and marketing standards. They end up saying the same things and looking all too similar; if they generate any emotion in their targets – which is rare – it’s, well, traditional and decidedly not differentiating.

We see two opportunities for professional services brands to ignite and transform their brands, to create brands that emotionally and meaningfully differentiate themselves, with their clients, to attract top talent, and to establish a reason to believe in their firms:

Feeling and purpose.

Feelings. The shift begins with feeling. If we evoke, discover, establish, and communicate positive feeling, we change the conversation, the look, the messaging, the way people feel, and, ultimately, the brand. This is where brand strategy comes into play.

We work with professional services brands to deeply understand their unique values—what brings them to life, both internally and externally. Our methodology encourages clients to not shy away from feelings and emotions, but instead to embrace them, to make them an integral part of who they are. We remind professional service clients that they are working with people and these people (their clients and prospects) feel things. And furthermore, every firm provokes a feeling. The question is, what is that feeling?

Purpose-led. Through workshops and collaboration, we work with clients to understand their purpose and reason for being. These collaborative workshops bring these answers to light, and also works to align internal Partners around developing a more differentiated, emotionally charged, purpose-led brand strategy. A firm with shared purpose strengthens and clarifies its brand and confirms that brand at every touch-point.

The more the feeling of a brand is constantly confirmed—in how the firm behaves; in advertising, in its go to market strategy, within the employee structure, through its published content, during in-person interactions—the more stickier the brand becomes. The stickier the brand, the better.

By developing a brand strategy that is fueled with feeling and purpose, a professional services firm offers something beyond traditional expectations about expertise, client-focus, and good service.

By embracing feeling and purpose, they can stand out, demonstrate the human power of empathy, and promise more than just the norm. They can promise a more meaningful firm, with more meaningful outcomes for their clients and the firm itself.

For additional insights on brand strategy and professional services, click here.

To see our latest professional services brand project click here.

Emotive Brand is a brand strategy firm.

Image Credit: http://blog.iso50.com/wpcontent/uploads/2011/11/vicErPwd7lbdajxcVUH64M03o1_500.jpeg


Why Law Firms Need Brand Strategy

Consulting Firms are brands too

Within professional services and consulting firms, there’s very little that distinguishes one brand from another. Practice areas and services all lead with the same claims: excellent client service, tailored solutions, and global reach. So much similarity makes all consulting firms blend together. Taglines echo. Logos mirror each other. Marketing copy follows the same jargon. Ultimately, they become indistinguishable.

As the shift to a buyer’s market solidifies, competitive rivalries intensify. It’s no longer enough for a firm’s identity to be solely linked to overall profitability or arbitrary rankings. In order to truly compete, more attention needs to be paid to differentiation of values, POV, and behavior to make a firm stand apart.

For most consulting firms, business development depends on the individual star power of partner personalities. Though these individuals may represent the firm’s larger brand, the specific behavior, image, attitude, and message they portray can vary significantly. While clients may feel attached to these individuals, the firm’s reliance on inconsistent personal brands over its greater brand presents an inherent barrier for long-term growth, retention of talent, and overall success.

A purposeful brand strategy helps consolidate all the personal brands into one global brand identity. Here are four things to consider when building a brand strategy for your firm.

What is the overarching brand story?

Everyone within the firm – from the most senior partners to the office administrators – need a consistent brand story that clearly communicates why the brand matters. By laddering up the brand stories of individuals into one global brand story, the brand  becomes stronger, more reliable, more resilient, and more respected.

Evaluate a go-t0-market strategy that addresses the top target audiences.

Explore the needs, motivations, pain points, and expectations of your target audiences and go to market with a strategy that speaks directly to them. Brands that make an emotional impact on the people most important to the brand’s success create long-term appeal and loyalty.

Develop an internal behavior guide.  

When people at all levels of a firm understand how to live and breathe the brand promise throughout their everyday behavior, the brand promise becomes a reality. A guide can help everyone within the firm get aligned and unified, moving forward as the best and most consistent advocates of the brand.

How does the firm want to make people feel?

Successful brand strategy revolves around understanding how your brand makes people feel. Aligning the feelings your brand evokes through your brand’s the voice, messaging, narrative, and visual identity will make your firm more meaningful to the people who matter.

When a firm mobilizes with a purposeful brand strategy that informs and guides the behavior of every person in every office, the brand will stand apart as a top choice for clients and talent alike. Investing in your brand strategy is the most valuable investment your firm will make.

Emotive Brand is a brand strategy firm.