Is Your Brand’s Biggest Threat…Your Brand?
Is Your Brand’s Biggest Threat…Your Brand?
Someone once asked Larry Page what presented the single biggest threat to Google.
“Google”, he said.
That’s right.
Larry Page believes his own company is a threat unto itself.
Is your brand’s biggest threat… your brand?
It is, if people don’t understand why your brand matters.
It is, if people don’t feel your brand is emotionally important.
It is, if by “people” you mean not only your customers, but also your employees, partners, suppliers…indeed all the people vital to your brand’s success.
Turn what might possibly be a threat into an opportunity.
Turn your brand into a true ally of itself.
Define your purpose.
Determine your emotional significance.
Change the way your brand behaves, making each moment of interaction more meaningful.
Once all the people involved know why your brand matters to them, and feel how good it is to be honored and respected by your brand, they will pay you back.
They will work more happily
They will buy more regularly.
They will recommend your brand.
They will work toward your success.
They will pay more for your brand.
Brand Behavior drives business results. Read more.