
Age of Meaning

The Age of Meaning: Break Through the Commodity Barrier

The Age of Meaning: Break Through the Commodity Barrier

Moving Your Brand Into the Age of Meaning: It’s Not a Trend, It’s Survival The Age of Meaning has significant impact on business visions, brand management, and marketing execution. In today’s fast-changing and competitive marketplace, it is hard to maintain a distinct and meaningful difference in the hearts and minds of people. It seems that as soon as you make a product improvement or change your service offering, your competitors are there either matching you or upping you one. There is another playing field available for your brand; one that most brands are blind to. It’s the...
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Are We in the Age of Meaning?

Are We in the Age of Meaning?

In our white paper, The Age Of Meaning, we explore the challenges and opportunities this new era presents to business and brand strategy. Referring to economist Umair Haque’s contention that we’ve left the “age of opulence” – a time of hyper-consumerism based on the mantra of “bigger, faster, cheaper, now” – we make the point that the age of meaning didn’t suddenly appear. There was no “Breaking News” story, no Twitter trending topic, and no planned downtime for a total system upgrade. It crept up on us, through current events...
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Should You Aspire to Have a Meaningful Brand?

Should You Aspire to Have a Meaningful Brand?

The idea o a  “meaningful brand” is taking industry by storm as more and more enterprises look for ways to prevail in the 21st Century, a time of great change and innovation. Should you join this bandwagon? Not before you fully understand what it means to be a meaningful brand, what it entails from an organizational change point of view, and what it can do for your business. Here, we provide top-line answers to a few of the most commonly asked questions. What is a meaningful brand? A brand transcends the market when it decides to look beyond the profit agenda and see its business...
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Businesses That Matter Do Well By Doing Good

Businesses That Matter Do Well By Doing Good

When fueled by a Purpose Beyond Profit, a business does good things for employees, customers, society, and the planet. How businesses that matter, matter to people: They help employees create meaning in their lives by making their work matter. They give customers solid reasons to admire, respect, and be happily associated with their business and their offerings. They help build a stronger society by being a good corporate citizen, respecting laws, and helping improve lives. They strive to limit their impact on the environment by conserving non-renewable resources, curtailing pollution, and...
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This is a Time of Positive, Constructive and Gratifying Change…

This is a Time of Positive, Constructive and Gratifying Change…

We published a white paper on The Age of Meaning, in which we review the many implications this new era holds for business leaders. Here we’d like to explore our claim that, “This is a time of positive, constructive and gratifying change…”. Positive change Why do we see this as a time of “positive” change? Because the thrust of this change is well-intentioned and seeks nothing less than to make this world a better place. Customers and employees seek out businesses that care about, and act responsibly about, environmental, social and workplace issues....
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