Why Brands Should Invest In The “Messy” World Of Feelings
Why Brands Should Invest In The “Messy” World Of Feelings
Business management thrives through almost obsessive measurement, quantification and control.
Algorithms drive decisions. Data informs conversations. Dashboards display results.
But where does human emotion – the driver of all decision making – factor into these business practices?
How do algorithms know how people feel, and how that impacts on how they act?
How do metrics – however precise – give you insight into the deep-felt needs, wants and aspirations of your employees and customers?
How does your dashboard – however glitzy – convey the fluid world of brand decisions that sway one way or another based on how people feel?
Human connections start with you, not data.
We can all feel empowered by information – that is until it doesn’t explain when things start going wrong.
It doesn’t detect or sense the emotions of all the people your business depends upon.
That’s what you need to do.
You need to bring out your natural empathy, and put yourself in the shoes of others.
You need to embrace a bold purpose to make life better, and make that part of your brand’s mystique.
You need to inject positive feelings at every opportunity, and create a positive emotional aura around your brand.
Only then will people who aren’t doing what you need them to do (because they literally don’t feel like doing it) change the way they think, feel and act on your brand’s behalf.
The good news is that once you take this intangible step into feelings, you will already have all the systems in place to measure the positive impact emotionally meaningful brand behavior has on your bottom-line.