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The Very Things That Drive Behavior That Matters

The Very Things That Drive Behavior That Matters

“If marketers are not generating emotions and feelings, we are not taking advantage of the very things that drive behavior. Branding is more than stimulating an intellectual process of imaginative thought. It is about experiencing those thoughts as emotionally charged feelings that lead to real actions. Feelings are turned into waking thoughts, which then become intentions, and finally, purchase. The goal of every marketing program should be to infuse products with emotions so strong that customers become loyal not just to the brands but to the brand missions, instilling devotion and uniting people and marketers with common causes and shared values.”

Van Praet, Douglas. Unconscious Branding: How Neuroscience Can Empower (and Inspire) Marketing

“…emotionally charged feelings that lead to real actions”. This is what sets apart an emotive branding strategy from the rest. We don’t rest until we’ve delivered the tools that help transform our client’s organization and the way it behaves.

Photo Credit

1 May 2013 Tracy Lloyd

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