The Power of Saying Thank You
The Power of Saying Thank You

’Tis the Season for Thank You
The Thanksgiving season is the perfect time to not only reflect on what we’re thankful for, but also, to consider the power of saying ‘thank you’. For businesses, it’s a time to think about how to show appreciation for employees, customers, partners, and stakeholders alike.
Caught Up in Business
For many reasons, ‘thank you’ isn’t said enough. It’s easy to get wrapped up in daily business obstacles, work dynamics, or simply, an overloaded email box. It’s natural to get sucked into our own business-as-usual worlds. But as a result, many people find themselves obsessing over what they could have more of – more time off, more money, more time in a day. Because of this, we often forget to be grateful for what we do have – and to reach out to the people who we really are thankful for.
Always Say Thank You
In our work, when we reach out to people and articulate the specific impact they have made on a project, it goes a long way. Being able to communicate thanks back and forth makes for a more trusting and respectful relationship – on both ends.
And at the end of the day, business relies on strong relationships. In any good relationship, we believe appreciation and admiration should be the norm. Even if it comes in the form of a casual note or a simple person-to-person interaction. Giving thanks, in our view, never has to be extravagant. When it’s genuine, it always rings true, and the work becomes stronger and more gratifying for everyone involved.
On top of that, mutual respect fosters the strong teamwork, innovation, and creativity needed to drive things forward. That’s why it’s important for people not only to give praise, but to be open to receiving praise. For some, this is difficult. It’s easy to toss a compliment off. But really listening and appreciating a ‘thank you’ communicates to your team or partner that you are listening and that you recognize that they appreciate you. It helps everyone do their job better in the future, knowing what people really appreciated in the past.
We believe being able to both give and receive thanks says a lot about how empathetic, genuine, trustworthy, and respectful the people who represent your brand and business are. This behavior, like any other, shines from the inside out.
Brands that Say Thank You
Many brands today are working on ways to better thank the people who matter to them – from being extra responsive on Twitter, sending personalized letters in the mail, matching a donation, offering free classes around birthdays, or integrating extra rewards programs. Brands in a genuinely thankful spirit show greater levels of engagement, loyalty, and brand love.
Saying ‘thank you’ can’t be a strategy. It has to be authentic and meaningful, and the motives of businesses who say ‘thank you’ in inauthentic ways are easily seen through by smart consumers, partners, and employees today. Brands that say ‘thank you’ in the right way come from a genuine and authentic place. They make sure their ‘thank you’ is personal and sincere.
We’re Thankful For…
There is much power in saying thank you, and this year we are thankful for so much. For our clients from which we learn new things each day. For our team who inspires each other and drives one another forward. For our wonderful neighborhood of Oakland. We are thankful for the challenges of 2016 and the successes. We are thankful for what 2017 will bring and the opportunity to continue to work hard for what we care about.
So take the time to say “thank you” this holiday, and each day after. We believe these two words can go a long way.
Emotive Brand is a San Francisco design and brand strategy agency.