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Five Not-So-Obvious Ways External Experts Can Improve Your Sustainability Report

Producing a Corporate Sustainability Report (CSR) is a big job that requires significant time and expertise. It’s easy to underestimate the full scope of resources that reporting requires. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of consultants and agencies available that can help handle many parts of the workload – from strategy, to writing, to data management, to graphic design, as well as agencies that can do it all.

Typically, reporting teams only consider hiring a consultant or agency in order to fill obvious gaps in internal resources or expertise. But, hiring the right experts will also help you and your report beyond the obvious tactical deliverables. Expanding your report team to include experienced external contributors certainly helps create a more manageable workload, which is a good thing! But the RIGHT experts will also improve both the processes and the overall quality of your report, all while making your job easier.

Here are a few additional ways an agency or consultant can help improve your report and make your job easier (which also helps the report):

Reality Check
Experienced consultants and agencies will have their fingers on the pulse of reporting. They will point you to best practices and will have an informed point of view on your company’s strengths and weaknesses in sustainability reporting compared to best-in-class companies. Qualified experts will also provide an honest evaluation on where your company stands relative to your competition. It is in the best interest of your consultant/agency to provide a straightforward evaluation that helps ensure your report is as strong as possible. After all, they will want to use your report as a calling card to help get their next job. Getting this kind of reality check is extremely valuable in making sure your report is headed in the right direction. These insights, alongside best practices, will help your team develop the right reporting goals and strategies.

Candid Conversations
A consultant or agency can also be more effective in gathering perspectives from your company’s stakeholders, such as report evaluators, labor unions or activist organizations, among others. As a neutral third party, your agency/consultant will be able to mediate an honest dialogue. And because a solid CSR requires serious consideration of those stakeholder expectations, candid discussions also need to take place with your executives about how those expectations will be addressed in the report. The uncomfortable conversations that result from bringing these issues to the surface, while painful, are a healthy part of the reporting process. In my experience, the mediator role played by the external expert is invaluable to producing a better, more credible report. Better yet, a really good external expert will help push the envelope to help produce a great report.

The Right Equation
Once you are familiar with CSR reporting best practices and understand your stakeholders’ concerns, external experts can help you develop a strategic vision for your report. Vision is critical, but in order to be successful, it needs to be grounded in the day-to-day reality of available resources and internal expectations. Emotive Brand approaches this as an equation that balances audience and team expectations, stakeholder needs, and available capabilities and resources. This allows you to establish a reporting strategy that really will be executed. Since you know where you are (reality check and candid conversations) and where you want to go, it becomes possible to map out a comprehensive plan. And since it takes time to lay the groundwork and make significant progress, it makes sense to do this over a 2-3 year period.

Whether your external experts are paid an hourly rate or a project fee, the direct budget impact to you, or the profit impact to them, provides a very real incentive for both parties to effectively manage time and productivity. One of the challenges in managing a CSR project is keeping the team on task and on deadline. So, I have found that associating a dollar amount to delays can help motivate the team to provide what you need when you need it. In fact, external experts can help hold everybody responsible for meeting project milestones.

External experts not only make your job easier from an efficiency standpoint, they also help establish your professional reputation with members of the C-suite, your colleagues and stakeholders. This is because the contributions made by the experts you bring in to work with your team will reflect on you. Hiring smart people that work well with your team and contribute in significant ways to improving the report and the reporting process, will build your credibility. This in turn makes your job easier because the process goes more smoothly when the team trusts the leadership and the report as a whole is better as a result.

So, if you decide to hire an agency, make sure that their expertise has a measurable impact on the project and makes your job easier in the process.

Merchandize Your Corporate Sustainability Report

When all is said and done, how many people will read your entire corporate sustainability report (CSR), from beginning to end? Chances are that only a few eager readers will read the whole report. Since many of your stakeholders may not delve enthusiastically into the technical details, it may take some additional effort and a bit of creativity to reach them with your company’s main messages about sustainability strategy, philosophies and achievements.

Continue reading “Merchandize Your Corporate Sustainability Report”

Turning Strong CSR Stories Into New Meaning For Your Employees

Building meaningful CSR stories

A strong CSR report provides an excellent starting point for your brand to achieve a meaningful position in the hearts and minds of your employees. There is even greater value when those reports lead with strong CSR stories.

That’s because, according to a recent Forbes report, CSR and employee engagement work hand in hand:

  • Hewitt & Associations found that, “the more a company actively pursues worthy environmental and social efforts, the more engaged its employees are”.
  • The Society for Human Resources Management found that for companies with strong sustainability programs, “morale was 55% better, business process were 43% more efficient, public image was 43% stronger, and employee loyalty was 38% better”.
  • Towers and Watson reports that firms with highly engaged employees have three time the operating margin of those which don’t.
  • Gallup say these firms have four time the earnings per share.
  • PriceWaterhouseCoopers claims that 88% of millenials choose employers based on strong CSR values; 86% will leave if employer’s CSR values no longer meet their expectations.

Brands matter to people when they do things that matter.

If your brand is truly committed to CSR – and has a strong CSR report to prove it – it makes sense to make your CSR viewpoint, activities and achievements more evident to your employees.

Going beyond simply posting your report on your company’s website or intranet, the stories within your CSR should be re-purposed and dynamically presented to specifically address the beliefs, values, interests and aspiration of your employees.

When you create far more engaging, motivating and rewarding ways to involve your employees in your CSR, you give them new ways to create meaning in their own lives.

Your brand’s good deeds become gifts of meaning your employees can identify with, share responsibility for, and internalize with pride.

As such, there’s a more emotionally meaningful and engaging connection created between employees and your brand.

Don’t allow your employees to miss out on the personal meaning that’s hidden in your CSR report.

Bring it to the surface, engage your employees and create a stronger brand along the way

Please see our work for UPS’s CSR program.

Emotive Brand is a San Francisco Branding Agency.