
meaningful leaders

Meaningful Brands Are Led by Meaningful Leaders

Meaningful Brands Are Led by Meaningful Leaders

The key to meaning is empathy: the ability to step outside one’s own life and see the world from another’s perspective. In both branding and leadership, the value of this ability cannot be underestimated. Both areas depend upon engaged followers. Engagement only comes when followers see leaders connect the dots between their personal needs and desires, the goals of the business, and the greater good. Brands and leaders that are inward-focused and self-absorbed fail to connect with people who are increasingly attuned to the needs of humanity and the planet. This puts them in a precarious...
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Meaningful Leaders                                     Resolution #1 for 2015

Meaningful Leaders Resolution #1 for 2015

Lead by proudly, confidently and passionately proclaiming a new destination for your customers, your employees and your business. Going beyond profit, declare your intention to do well by doing good. Give everyone the answer to their burning question, “Why?”. Why does your business exist? Why is that good? Why does that matter? Interested in learning more about how to create your Purpose Beyond...
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Brand Strategy: Why Are Purpose and Feelings so Important Now?

Brand Strategy: Why Are Purpose and Feelings so Important Now?

Brand Strategy: Why are purpose and feelings so important now? An emotive brand is the persona-driven presence and experience of an organization that has proactively decided to orient itself around a meaningful and purposeful promise. Such brands do so with the intent of emotionally connecting to people on a deep level, by addressing core human needs. Most significant, an emotive brand strives to forge these attitude and behavior changing connections both inside and outside their organizations. To summarize, an emotive brand is:  – Proactively meaningful across all its actions  –...
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Connecting the Dots That Produce All Around Results

Connecting the Dots That Produce All Around Results

In a brilliant blog post, Tom Asacker posed a series of questions, the answers of which add up to two surprising results.] “So ask yourself, what are we doing to motivate people, to feed their hungers and desires? Are we helping them achieve?
 Are we feeding their hungers to be recognized, to be liked and loved?
 Are we connecting them with like-minded people and empowering them to empower others?
 Are we providing a beautiful, pleasurable, and engaging experience?
 Are we providing a sense of control, full...
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