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Releasing The Pent Up Meaning Within Brands

One of the joys we have in our work is watching as our clients, who run highly successful companies, are surprised and delighted to see how their brands can matter more to people.

We’re not in the business of creating illusions.

We dig deep into our client’s business to uncover “meaningful truths” that are already operating below the surface.

By shedding light on the rational and emotional value of these truths, we are able to show our clients just how much they can matter to people on both a rational and emotional level.

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Social Business Driven by Meaning

Stowe Boyd is a researcher, speaker and writer working principally on social tools and their impact on media, business and society.

Back in 2012 he told delegates at the Meaning 2012 Conference in the UK that we are entering the age of “Post-normal Business”.

For Boyd, “Postnormal Business” results from a series of fundamental shifts for business:

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Meaningful Brand Strategies: The Consumers Perspective

Consumers are expecting a lot from businesses, according to the 2013 Cone Communications/Echo Global CSR Study. Consider these findings relative to the role of a business’s social responsibility:

“As global citizens become increasingly aware of businesses’ behaviors and CSR initiatives – in part because of social 
media, they are also becoming more astute about both corporate and consumer impacts. Around the world, the majority 
of consumers feel both individuals and corporations are having some degree of positive influence on social and environmental issues; however, just one-quarter feels either is making a significant impact.”

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Survey Shows CMOs Starting to Recognize the Need to Matter

IBM regularly surveys CMOs to identify trends. A recent Forbes blog post by consultant Avi Dan reports an interesting finding from the latest survey.

The traditional marketing funnel is now a series of loops, as people turn to the many new options for learning about, and being influenced about, a product or service selection.

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Turning Strong CSR Stories Into New Meaning For Your Employees

Building meaningful CSR stories

A strong CSR report provides an excellent starting point for your brand to achieve a meaningful position in the hearts and minds of your employees. There is even greater value when those reports lead with strong CSR stories.

That’s because, according to a recent Forbes report, CSR and employee engagement work hand in hand:

  • Hewitt & Associations found that, “the more a company actively pursues worthy environmental and social efforts, the more engaged its employees are”.
  • The Society for Human Resources Management found that for companies with strong sustainability programs, “morale was 55% better, business process were 43% more efficient, public image was 43% stronger, and employee loyalty was 38% better”.
  • Towers and Watson reports that firms with highly engaged employees have three time the operating margin of those which don’t.
  • Gallup say these firms have four time the earnings per share.
  • PriceWaterhouseCoopers claims that 88% of millenials choose employers based on strong CSR values; 86% will leave if employer’s CSR values no longer meet their expectations.

Brands matter to people when they do things that matter.

If your brand is truly committed to CSR – and has a strong CSR report to prove it – it makes sense to make your CSR viewpoint, activities and achievements more evident to your employees.

Going beyond simply posting your report on your company’s website or intranet, the stories within your CSR should be re-purposed and dynamically presented to specifically address the beliefs, values, interests and aspiration of your employees.

When you create far more engaging, motivating and rewarding ways to involve your employees in your CSR, you give them new ways to create meaning in their own lives.

Your brand’s good deeds become gifts of meaning your employees can identify with, share responsibility for, and internalize with pride.

As such, there’s a more emotionally meaningful and engaging connection created between employees and your brand.

Don’t allow your employees to miss out on the personal meaning that’s hidden in your CSR report.

Bring it to the surface, engage your employees and create a stronger brand along the way

Please see our work for UPS’s CSR program.

Emotive Brand is a San Francisco Branding Agency.

People Respond to Meaningful Brands

According to a recent study by Havas Media, only 20% of brands have a notable positive impact on our sense of wellbeing and quality of life.

The study further reveals how the expectations, judgements and behavior of people are evolving in ways that must make brand-owners rethink their current strategies:

  • For the 4th year running consumer expectations of companies’ responsible behaviour continues to rise
  • Nearly 85% of consumers worldwide expect companies to become actively involved in solving these issues (an increase of 15% from 2010)
  • Those prepared to reward responsible companies by choosing to buy their products is up 11% from last year to more than half of all consumers (51%)
  • Those who would pay a 10% premium for a product produced in a responsible way is up once again – from 44% last year to 53% in 2011
  • The percentage of us who would punish irresponsible companies has also increased to 44% (from 36% in 2010)
  • Only 28% of consumers worldwide think that companies today are working hard enough to solve our social and environmental challenges.
  • Only 20% trust companies when they communicate about their social/environmental commitments and initiatives

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