MillerCoors SDR 2010 – Success the Right Way.
MillerCoors SDR 2010 – Success the Right Way.

With two powerhouse parent companies looking over its shoulders, MillerCoors makes a big leap in sustainable reporting with Success the Right Way. For their 2010 report, we helped bring a new level of transparency and depth, as the company established internal protocols and moved towards international standards. This report highlights employee contributions to sustainability efforts and takes an interesting look at MillerCoors’ nine 2015 goals with photographed product charts. Printed by Hemlock Printers using 100% recycled and 100% post-consumer waste paper, this report is 100% carbon neutral and the most sustainably produced CSR MillerCoors has produced yet.
Click here to download a PDF of the report.
1 August 2011
Thom Elkjer